The Ice Bear
Japanese Waterstone Sharpening Kit covers everything you need to get started with tool sharpening. The kit contains a 200mm(8") by 62mm(2.1/2") 800 grit stone for initial grinding, a 175mm(7") by 62mm(2.1/2") 6,000 grit fine finishing stone, a non-skid waterstone holder and a Nagura stone for cleaning off the glazed surface of the fine stone.
Lubrication: Use water only - never oil! Soak the stone for 5-10 minutes before use and keep it wet during sharpening to clear away debris and maintain effectiveness.
About Ice Bear:
Established in 1968 in Miki city, a traditional centre for Japanese craftsmanship, Ice Bear specialises in ceramic and hand-forged knives and water sharpening stones. Our commitment to quality and tradition ensures that every product offers unparalleled precision and longevity.
Enhance your sharpening experience with Japanese Combination Waterstones and embrace the art of maintaining sharp blades with ease and efficiency.