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Books & DVD's
We hope you like our collection of Book & DVD, it must be one of the finest curated selections of books and dvd's on greenwoodworking and traditional woodland craft anywhere. Every title has been carefully considered and selected, especially for people interested in working greenwood, woodlands, woodcraft, tools and working and living in the woods.
We are very happy to supply a selection of books from Chris Schwarz's publishing house in the USA, Lost Art Press who have such a prolific title output.
Its thanks to Lost Art Press that many important long out of print classic titles, are available once again. Titles brought back to life including John Browns Welsh Stick Chairs, Woodworking in Estonia and Make a Chair from a Tree by Jennie Alexander.
For a few years we sold Jogge Sundqvist's book 'Slojd i Tre', and despite being written entirely in Swedish, inspiring imagery meant it still sold very well. However, thanks to Lost Art Press we now have the translated version of Slojd in Wood on our shelves.
Lost Art Press books are made entirely made in the USA, made to last in hardback with a proper durable spine.
Read MoreWe are very happy to supply a selection of books from Chris Schwarz's publishing house in the USA, Lost Art Press who have such a prolific title output.
Its thanks to Lost Art Press that many important long out of print classic titles, are available once again. Titles brought back to life including John Browns Welsh Stick Chairs, Woodworking in Estonia and Make a Chair from a Tree by Jennie Alexander.
For a few years we sold Jogge Sundqvist's book 'Slojd i Tre', and despite being written entirely in Swedish, inspiring imagery meant it still sold very well. However, thanks to Lost Art Press we now have the translated version of Slojd in Wood on our shelves.
Lost Art Press books are made entirely made in the USA, made to last in hardback with a proper durable spine.
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